Intended for:

This Mentor Training course has been designed to provide advice, support and guidance to anyone that may be taking on the role of mentor. Therefore, the mentor training course is aimed at anyone who has been asked to take up the role of mentor or may be asked as part of their working role.

Duration: 1 day (9.00am – 4pm refreshments provided)

Cost per Delegate :  £75 excluding VAT

Training Course Contents:

As well as the workshop each candidate will also receive a Mentor Guidelines document and a Mentor Manual.

Mentoring is a learning support mechanism where an experienced person provides guidance, knowledge and advice to someone who is in development or has less experience in a given topic or function.

The role of mentor is a very important one and whether the relationship is formal or informal, the fact is that a good mentor can be instrumental in the development of not only a mentee’s skills and knowledge, but also their behaviour, attitude and social outlook.

These Mentor materials will help participants to develop their skills as a mentor, increase their awareness of the role and responsibilities as a mentor and highlight how the role of mentor might personally benefit their own development. The mentor training focus on the following areas:

Roles and Responsibilities –  Exploring the part played by both mentor and mentee in the relationship and how this works throughout the stages of a mentoring relationship.

Code of Practice and Confidentiality – Appreciating the need for discretion as a mentor and the Do’s and Don’ts

Mentoring Agreement – Identifying the need for an agreement prior to beginning the mentor relationship and developing a sample agreement

Encouraging Reflection – Looking at how reflection plays a large part in a mentoring relationship and developing methods of encouraging reflection in a mentee. Includes the Gibbs model of reflection as a reference

Facilitative Vs. Directive Mentoring – Knowing when to challenge and when to instruct to get the best results

Using Questions – Exploring the different types of questions that you can use as a mentor to get different effects

Giving Feedback – Using a feedback model to define the different levels of feedback and how to implement them

So, you’re ready to be a mentor? – Putting the skills learnt into practice


The workshop is designed to be highly participative and involve the participants throughout.


At the end of this mentor training course your participants will be able to:


  1. Explain the mentor/mentee relationship and the roles and responsibilities
  2. Develop a clear set of guidelines and principles for a successful mentor relationship
  3. Understand and use specific tools to help you provide effective support for the mentee
  4. Confidently deliver exceptional mentor support

Start Your training Today